Foreign properties investors in Spain increase by 12%
Foreign buyers are giving positive marks to the Spanish housing market: this second trimester, foreign inversions concerning property in Spain increased by 12%.
This mark represents a new positive trend which started 4 trimesters ago, in the middle of 2011, being the highest mark registered in the past 4 years.
In average, between April, May and June, foreign investors bought 9.502 houses in Spain, still a quite important amount but very different from 2006 marks: 30.000 houses were sold to foreign buyers.
Lower prices encourage foreign buyers to benefit from the Spanish housing market crisis.
Their main goal is buying a house in a Spanish Top destination, in order to have a second residence in Spain or as a business investment to rent it or selling it back in the future.
They keep on looking for quiet places with quality services and good communications, but mostly sunny places by the sea. The Mediterranean area is still an attractive region for foreign investors willing to buy a house in Spain.
Andalucía and Valencia are the most sought regions, as well as Catalonia, and the Balearic and Canary Islands.

By Iris Gruenewald